In this section you will find links and information about our EU projects.
DERri is a collaborative research project under the European FP7 programme gathering 16 partners from 12 countries distributed all over Europe. Researchers from EU get assisted and access to the DER research infrastructure facilities in Europe through DERri. Within the framework of DERri, the aim of the project PEMFCOLD was the definition of a standard test procedure and the execution of an environmental experimental test activity to diagnostic, at subzero temperatures, the startup, operation and shutdown of the portable fuel cell G300 HFC realized by Genport srl. Successful start-up from subzero temperatures is of paramount importance for the commercialization of PEMFCs for practical applications such as backup power, automotive, defence and emergency in cold territories. While the characteristics of PEMFC dynamics have been studied by several groups, research on PEMFC cold start-up is relatively new and some aspects of degradation caused by freeze/thaw cycling are discussed controversially in literature. PEMFCOLD environmental tests has be carried on at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Under the 7th Framework Programme for Research, technological Development and Demonstration of the European Commission, the project PEMBeyond has been granted. Genport is the industrial participant that will develop the 5kW PEMFC.
In this project, a cost-competitive, energy-efficient and durable integrated PEMFC based power system operating on crude bioethanol will be developed for back-up and off-grid power generation for application such as Telecom Tower.
Under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, the EU has granted the EVERYWH2ERE project to develop a groundbreaking transportable hybrid fuel cell system for temporary power supply in urban environments. Genport will develop and realized an innovative series of Hybrid Fuel Cell Systems with 25 kW and 100 kW Power Size.
FED4SAE is an innovation action to boost and sustain the digitization of the European industry by strengthening competitiveness in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and embedded system markets. The main objective of Genport’s project in FED4SAE is to embed Electrochemical Models based into Hybrid Fuel Cell Systems to provide Smart Diagnostics Capabilities. These advance features combined with Model Predictive Controls and Optimization Algorithms, will extend lifetime of hybrid power sources operating in micro-grids beyond the state of art. These advance control strategies will be embedded into STM micro-controller platforms. Tests will be conducted within Fraunhofer IISB Energy Electronic Testbed.
GLITTERY is a 36-month project funded by the Italian Space Agency aimed at developing lithium-ion battery modules with nano-porous germanium anode for aerospace applications a concept already designed within a collaboration between Italian partners. Validation of nano-porous germanium anode battery technology will be provided with pouch cells realized within the laboratories of the consortium. A substantial part of the work will concern the development of electric and electrodynamic models, to build a battery pack with an advanced Battery Management System based on optimization controls.
PARSEC is a business accelerator supporting the creation of new Earth Observation (EO) based products and services. With the support of PARSEC, We will integrate EO datasets into optimization controls with the aim to reduce the total cost of ownership of our hybrid power sources.
FFplus is a European initiative (2024–2028) that helps SMEs and startups adopt High-Performance Computing (HPC), AI, and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) to boost competitiveness. Through six open calls, the project funds business experiments and innovation studies, expanding industrial HPC adoption in collaboration with NCCs, DIHs, and industry partners. Coordinated by HLRS, FFplus drives digital transformation by showcasing success stories and fostering new industrial user communities.
Genport, in partnership with Politecnico di Milano’s Department of Energy, has secured funding from the first FFplus EU Open Call to enhance Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) performance using HPC and Machine Learning (ML). By leveraging POLIMI’s high-fidelity 3D PEMFC models, the project develops ML-based predictive control, aiming to boost PEMFC efficiency by 15% and extend durability by 50%, advancing clean energy for electric vehicles, stationary power, and portable applications.